Sunday, August 1, 2010

Say 'byebye' to blackheads!

Nose with blackheads

What is a 'blackhead'?
To quote from 'Wikipedia', a 'blackhead' is a yellow or blackish bump or plug on the skin which is a type of acne vulgaris. Contrary to the common belief that it is caused by poor hygiene, blackheads are caused by excess oils that have accumulated in the sebaceous gland's duct. To learn more, click here.

How to remove blackheads?

Suggestion 1 - Use baking soda and water

Step 1:
Add one tablespoon of baking soda to two tablespoons of water.
(Very thick mixture. But do not worry as the baking soda is insoluable)

Step 2:
Soak a piece of facial cotton wool into the mixture for 3 minutes.

Step 3:
After 3 minutes, place the facial cotton wool onto your nose and leave it for 10 mins.

Step 4:
After 10 minutes, use clean fingers or a piece of clean cotton wool to rub your nose gently. Dead skin cells and blackheads will be thoroughly removed.

Suggestion 2 - Use salt and milk

Step 1:
Get salt which is new as it is better and more hygenic. Keep them in a clean container for future use.

Step 2:
Add 4 to 5 drops of milk with a pinch of salt.

Step 3:
Start to massage your nose lightly for about 2 minutes with the mixture prepared in Step 2 as the salt is not fully melted.

Step 4:
Rinse your nose with water. To allow your skin to produce 'clean' sebum for moisture, do not apply any facial products on your nose after rinsing.

Suggestion 3 - Use pearl powder

Step 1:
Buy pearl powder of superior quality that can be consumed.

Step 2:
Place a moderate amount of pearl powder in a dish and add water. Mix it until it becomes creamy.

Step 3:
Apply the mixture onto your face thoroughly and start to massage your face until the mixture dries up.

Step 4:
Rinse with water.

* This method can be adopted twice a week to effectively remove dead skin cells and blackheads.

I've not tried any of the suggested methods so i do not know whether they work. I just want to translate and share them with you as they use natural ingredients after learning about them from a Chinese website. If you encounter any redness or irritations, please stop immediately. For those who had tried, please let me know the results, thanks :)

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